2024年是东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口和瑞士联邦苏黎世高等理工大学米乐m6官网登录入口合作交流40周年。为此两校米乐m6官网登录入口拟联合举办系列平行论坛和学术活动。其中由ETH Zurich ITA与SEU Inst. AAA共同举办数字技术学术会议与数字建造工作营将在11月21-29日期间举行。
Reimagining Architecture: Navigating the Impact of Computing and Artificial Intelligence
论坛召集人:ETH Zurich Ludger Hovestadt教授+SEU李飚教授
学术支持:Frontiers of Architectural Research
1)What is architecture, if computers can do what we think architecture is?
2)Advanced applications in architecture, urban design, and cultural conservation.
3)Reflections on working with big data as an architect
活动结束后由召集人组织专家遴选出12位演讲者的内容,请他们写成论文投稿FoAR。预计在2025-2026年度出版“Reimagining Architecture”专辑。
Ludger Hovestadt
Ludger Hovestadt is Professor of Digital Architectonics at the Institute for Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich.Between 1997 and 2000 Ludger Hovestadt was a visiting professor in the Department of CAAD at University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. In 2000, he was appointed Full Professor at the Department of Architecture at ETH. Since 2018 he is a Visiting Professor at Southeast University in Nanjing, China.He studied architecture at the RWTH Aachen, Germany and the HfG in Vienna, Austria. Upon completion of his diploma in 1987, he started his academic career with Prof. Fritz Haller at TU Karlsruhe for whom he worked as a scientific researcher for over ten years. Under his supervision Ludger Hovestadt completed his doctorate at TU Karlsruhe and Carnegie Mellon in 1994, expanding Haller’s school of thought of minimalist-functional mannerism into the digital domain, thereby laying the foundations for digital architectonics.
Ludger Hovestadt是苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑技术研究所的数字建筑学教授。
1997年至2000年间,Ludger Hovestadt在德国凯泽斯劳滕大学CAAD系担任客座教授。2000年,他被任命为ETH建筑系正教授。自2018年起,受聘于东南大学建筑国际化师范学院。他毕业于德国亚琛工业大学和奥地利维也纳HfG米乐m6官网登录入口。
1987年后,他跟随卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学的弗里茨·哈勒教授开始了他的学术生涯,并在他手下从事了十多年的科研工作。Ludger Hovestadt于1994年完成了他在卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学和卡内基梅隆大学的博士学位,将Haller的极简主义功能风格思想扩展到数字领域,从而为数字建筑奠定了基础。
Elias Zafiris
Prof. Dr. Elias Zafiris holds an M.Sc. (Distinction) in “Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces”, and a Ph.D. in “Theoretical and Mathematical Physics”, both from Imperial College at the University of London. He has published papers on category-theoretic methods in quantum physics and complex systems theories, modern differential geometry and topology, and many other topics in the foundations of physics and mathematics. He is also the author of two books on these subjects. He is a research professor in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Athens, and he is also currently a teaching professor on Mathematical Thinking at the TU Vienna, Institute of Architectural Sciences.
Elias Zafiris教授拥有伦敦大学帝国理工学院“量子场和基本力”硕士学位和“理论与数学物理”博士学位。他在量子物理和复杂系统理论中的范畴理论方法、现代微分几何和拓扑学以及物理和数学基础中的许多领域发表了论文和专注。他是雅典大学数学研究所理论和数学物理学的研究教授,目前也是维也纳工业大学建筑科学研究所数学思维教授。
Benjamin Dillenburger
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dillenburger is Professor for Digital Building Technologies (dbt) at the Department of Architecture ETH Zurich and principal researcher at NCCR. His research focuses on the development of building technologies based on the close interplay of computational design methods, digital fabrication and new materials. He searches for ways to exploit the potential of additive manufacturing for building construction. His recent work includes the Smart Slab at DFAB House and Tor Alva (White Tower) in Mulegns.
本杰明·迪伦伯格是瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)建筑系教授,数字建筑技术组(Digital Building Technologies, dbt)主任,瑞士国家能力研究中心(NCCR)首席专家。研究领域为智能建造,在3D打印结构与拓扑优化领域处于世界领先地位。他的团队专注于运算化设计方法,数字制造和新材料之间的跨学科研究,挖掘增材制造在建筑施工中的潜力,近年来完成了瑞士DFAB House智能楼板、3D打印塔Tor Alva等项目。
Phil. Vera Bühlmann
Prof. Dr. Phil. Vera Bühlmann, after studying philosophy and English language and literature in Zurich, Switzerland, she obtained a PhD in media theory/philosophy from Basel University (2009). Now she is a writer and translator between various emerging “vernaculars” in contemporary thought, especially with respect to philosophy, mathematics and architecture. She is professor for architecture theory, and director of the Department for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics ATTP at Vienna University of Technology. Previously she co-founded and directs with Ludger Hovestadt the laboratory for applied virtuality at the Architecture Department at ETH Zurich since 2010, and co-edits the applied virtuality book series (Birkhäuser, Basel/Vienna, since 2012). From 2012-2013 she was a guest researcher at the Future Cities Laboratory at NUS Singapore.
Phil. Vera Bühlmann在瑞士苏黎世学习哲学和英语语言文学后,于2009年获得巴塞尔大学媒体理论/哲学博士学位。目前她是维也纳理工大学建筑理论教授、建筑理论与技术哲学ATTP系主任。是当代思想中特别是在哲学、数学和建筑方面各种新兴“方言”的作家和翻译家。自2010年起,她与Ludger Hovestadt共同创立并指导了苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑系应用虚拟实验室,并共同编辑了应用虚拟系列书籍(Birkhäuser,巴塞尔/维也纳,自2012年起)。2012-2013年,她在新加坡国立大学未来城市实验室担任客座研究员。
Roberto Bottazzi
Roberto Bottazzi is an architect, researcher, and educatorbased in London. He studied at University of Florence, Italy and University of British Columbia, Canada before moving to London. His research analyses the impact of digital technologies on architecture and urbanism.Roberto has lectured and exhibited internationally and is the author of Digital Architecture Beyond Computers (Bloomsbury Visual, 2018, 2021). He was Visiting Professor at the Politecnico ofMilan and Visiting tutor at the Innovation Design Engineering [IDE] at theRoyal College of Art.He is Programme Director of the MArch Urban Design at the Bartlett School of Architecture. Previously he was design tutor and research coordinator at the Royal College of Art [2005-2015].
Roberto Bottazzi是伦敦的一名建筑师、研究员和教育家。曾就读于意大利佛罗伦萨大学和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学。他的研究分析了数字技术对建筑和城市主义的影响。2005-2015年,他在英国皇家艺术学院担任设计导师和研究协调员。目前是UCL米乐m6官网登录入口MArch城市设计项目主任。他在国际上进行过演讲和展览,是《超越计算机的数字建筑》(Bloomsbury Visual, 2018年,2021年)的作者。他是米兰理工大学的客座教授和皇家艺术学院创新设计工程(IDE)的客座导师。
本次学术研讨会已经招募了来自ETH,TU Vienna等高校的10位博士/博士后参会并发言。现向国内高校招募相关方向参会发言嘉宾10位,要求在该方向有一定研究基础,有志于在未来建筑数字技术方向持续探索的博士/博士后/青年学者(45岁以下)。报名者请提供姓名、所属单位、简历和拟发言题目,将上述信息于10月31日之前发送至
工作营名称:Reimagining Architecture: digital fabrication workshop
指导教师:ETH Benjamin Dillernburger教授 + SEU华好副教授+ SEU王大嵩助理研究员
1) 功能梯度三维打印创意 5组
2) 大型复合结构机械臂增材建造 2组
3) 人工智能辅助算法生成式设计 2组
信息来源:教师综合一党支部 I建筑运算与应用研究所