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Frontiers of Architectural Research / FoAR建筑学研究前沿Volume 12 / Issue 6 / December 2023Pages 1047-1284
▼Peer Review Under Responsibility of Southeast University东南大学负责同行评议
Pages 1047-1064
Impacts of corridor design: An investigation on occupant perception of corridor forms in elderly facilities
Keming Hou (a), Xinyue Liu (a), Zhe Kong (b), Haining Wang (b), Mingli Lu (a), Songtao Hu (a)
(a) College of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, China
(b) School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Pages 1065-1079
The morphological evolution of Chinese urban cemeteries from the perspective of fringe belt: A case study of Nanjing
Hao Deng, Meichen Li
School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Pages 1080-1096
Walking as soft mobility: A multi-criteria GIS-based approach for prioritizing tourist routes
Ghazal Hassanshahi (a), Ali Soltani (b)(c), Maryam Roosta (a), Sajad Askari (d)
(a) Department of Urban Planning and Design, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
(b) UniSA Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
(c) Injury Studies, Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Bedford Park, Australia
(d) Department of Civil, Materials and Environmental Engineering (CME), University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, United States
Pages 1097-1126
Exploring multidimensional aspects of walkability: An innovative analysis approach in Besiktas, Istanbul
Ozge Ceylin Yıldırım (a), Aslı Sungur (a), Derya Gülec Ozer (b)
(a) Department of Architecture, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 34349, Turkey
(b) Department of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34367, Turkey
Pages 1127-1143
From blocks to cities: Morphology structure rooted in 3D patterns and forming clusters at the block level
Bing Qu (a), Jie Ma (b)
(a) Urban Design Research Center, School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
(b) Department of Environmental Design, School of Art & Design, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210023, China
Pages 1144-1156
Unveiling the potential of space syntax approach for revitalizing historic urban areas: A case study of Yushan Historic District, China
Yuyan Lyu (a), Mohd Iskandar Abd Malek (a), Nor Haslina Ja`afar (a), Yina Sima (b), Ziyi Han (a), Zhangjingyi Liu (a)
(a) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, The National University of Malaysia, UKM Bangi, Selangor 43600, Malaysia
(b) Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo 315100, China
Pages 1157-1170
Spatial sight analysis of Hangzhou Xiaoyingzhou based on tourists' landscape preference
Yiying Chen, Qiwei Ma, Lihua Xu, Yijun Shi, Zhangwei Lu, Yaqi Wu, Mao Feng
College of Landscape Architecture and Architecture, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Hangzhou 310000, China
Pages 1171-1179
Mapping the approaches for investigating Makkah's architectural vocabularies and AI: A literature review
Wadia Ali Albarqawi (a), Saeed Ali Alburgawi (b)
(a) Department of Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
(b) The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute of Hajj and Umrah Research, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Pages 1180-1194
A geopolitics of mud construction: Self-help and the CINVA-Ram machine in Ghana and South Vietnam during the Cold War
Giaime Botti
Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo 315100, China
Pages 1195-1211
The interactive process of cultural landscape: Taking the trails around Zhengqi Pavilion as an example
Mengyao Pan (a), Huayu Guo (b), Qi Zhou (a), Jiangtao Xie (c)
(a) School of Architecture, Architectural History and Theory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
(b) School of Architecture, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, China
(c) Yangzhou Architecture Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225009, China
Pages 1212-1233
Structural performance of authentic architectural heritage designs: A masonry monument in Western Anatolia
Hatice Ayşegül Demir (a), Mine Hamamcıoğlu-Turan (a), Kutay Yücetürk (b), Engin Aktaş (b)
(a) Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir 35433, Turkey
(b) Department of Civil Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir 35433, Turkey
Pages 1234-1245
Regenerating historical districts through tactical urbanism: A case study of Sarpol neighborhood in Isfahan Province, Iran
Mohammad Salehi (a), Shima Taheri (b)(c), Amirhosein Shabani (a)(d)
(a) Department of Urban Planning, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
(b) Department of Architecture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
(c) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Ashrafi Esfahani University, Isfahan, Iran
(d) Advancement in Architecture and Urban Planning Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Pages 1246-1259
Effects of square attractiveness on emotional perception, cognitive performance, and neurophysiology
Zahra Karami (a), Seyed-Abbas Yazdanfar (a), Saeid Norouzian-Maleki (b), Reza Khosrowabadi (c)
(a) School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran
(b) Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 19839-69411, Iran
(c) Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 19839-69411, Iran
Pages 1260-1284
Enhancing urban resilience in hot humid climates: A conceptual framework for exploring the environmental performance of vertical greening systems (VGS)
Aya Gamal, Osama Abo Eleinen, Sara Eltarabily, Dalia Elgheznawy
Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University, Port-Fouad 42523, Egypt
伊犁州文化艺术中心位于新疆伊犁州伊宁市新城区核心地段的文化体育公园,场地竖向落差达十余米。主要功能包含大剧院(1200座)、音乐厅 (700座,二期实施)、会议中心(含250座多功能 厅)、驻场剧团排练用房及相关配套设施。
项目地点:中国 新疆 伊犁
设计范围:67000 ㎡
建筑面积:23733 ㎡
竣工时间:2017 年
高等教育出版社: 010-58556484