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Frontiers of Architectural Research(《建筑学研究前沿》)是由高等教育出版社和东南大学联合主办的全英文学术期刊,是教育部重点支持的前沿系列(Frontiers)学术期刊中的一本。已被A&HCI收录。本刊于2012年创刊,为季刊(一年四期),2022年起改为双月刊(一年六期)。收录论文内容覆盖但不限于建筑设计及其理论、建筑科学及技术、城市研究、风景园林、建筑历史及遗产保护、绿色低碳建筑等研究领域。是一本全球发行并可开放获取(Open Access)的期刊。
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Frontiers of Architectural Research / FoAR建筑学研究前沿Volume 12 / Issue 5 / August 2023Pages 803 - 1046
▼Peer Review Under Responsibility of Southeast University东南大学负责同行评议
Pages 803-819
Designing architectural continuity in a historic urban quarter of Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Abu Towab Md Shahriar (a)*, S.M. Naeem Hossain Mithun (a), Dipa Saha (a), Sazdik Ahmed (b)
(a) Department of Architecture, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur5200, Bangladesh
(b) Department of Architecture, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Pages 820-836
Influence of built environment and user experience on the waterfront vitality of historical urban areas: A case study of the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, China
Jie Ding (a)*, Lianjie Luo (b)**, Xin Shen (b), Yujie Xu (b)
(a) School of Art & Design, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
(b) School of Art, Anhui University of Finance & Economics, Bengbu, 233030, China
Pages 837-854
A design framework for a kinetic shading device system for building envelopes
Felipe Tavares da Silva (a)*, Julia Cruz Gaspari Veras (b)
(a) Architecture and Urbanism Department, Universidade Federal da Paraı´ba, Joa˜o Pessoa, PB, Brazil
(b) Architecture Faculty, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil
Pages 855-866
Architectural graphics and the experience of space. Freehand drawing and photograph to deepen on communicative qualities in linear perspective
Vicente Lo´pez-Chao*, Marı´a Rodrı´guez-Grela
Architectural Graphics Department, School of Architecture, Universidade da Corun˜a, La Corun˜a 15071, Spain
Pages 867-891
Monitoring the transformation in New Cairo's urban vitality and the accompanying social and economic phenomena
Tamir El-Khouly (a)(b)*, Asmaa Eldiasty (c), Basil Kamel (b)
(a) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11566, Egypt
(b) Department of Architecture, School of Sciences and Engineering, The American University in Cairo, Cairo 11835, Egypt
(c) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Horus University, New Damietta 34517, Egypt
Pages 892-905
Assessing adaptation planning strategies of interconnected infrastructure under sea-level rise by economic analysis
Shuqi Gao (a), Wei Zhai (b)*
(a) School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
(b) School of Architecture and Planning, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio TX 78249, USA, United States
Pages 906-922
Investigation of Pirnia's orientation theory (Roon) in Yazd Qajar houses
Hatef Jafari Sharami
Department of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Eyvanekey, Eyvanekey, Semnan, Iran
Pages 923-946
Exploring a spatial-experiential structure within the Chinese literati garden: The Master of the Nets Garden as a case study
Li Lu (a), Mei Liu (b)*
(a) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, Delft 2628 BL, the Netherlands
(b) School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
Pages 947-965
Valorising Ikseon-dong's Hanok residence as a heritage place
Young-Jae Kim*, Ah-Ra-Mi Yun
Department of Heritage Conservation and Restoration, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage, Buyeo 33115, Republic of Korea
Pages 966-984
A growing system: Constituent elements and spatial evolution of ancient local Confucian temples in China
Bing Xie (a), Yang Shen (a)(b)*, Xing Chen (a)
(a) School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China
(b) Visual Image Research Base of Chinese Nation, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China
Pages 985-998
The emotional structuring of the Andean territory: Mapping embodied narratives in Coporaque, Peru
Gonzalo Rı´os-Vizcarra (a), Luis Enrique Calatayud-Rosado (a), Aleixandre Brian Duche-Pe´rez (b)*, Vı´ctor Cano-Ciborro (c)
(a) Faculty of Architecture and Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad Cato´lica de SantaMarı´a, Arequipa 04001, Peru
(b) Faculty of Social Sciences and Technologies and Humanities, Universidad Cato´lica de Santa Marı´a, Arequipa 04001, Peru
(c) The Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid 28040, Spain
Pages 999-1010
Investigating the impacts of urban built environments on users of multiple services in elderly care facilities
Xiaoming Li (a)*, Xiangfeng Li (b)
(a) The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK
(b) School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Pages 1011-1029
Investigating the adaptability and implementation of computational design methods in concept design taking plasterboard opportunities for dimensional coordination and waste reduction as a case study
Omar Majzoub*, M. Hank Haeusler, Sisi Zlatanova
University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Pages 1030-1046
Solar radiation-based method for early design stages to balance daylight and thermal comfort in office buildings
Abel Sepu´lveda (a)(b)*, Seyed Shahabaldin Seyed Salehi (a), Francesco De Luca (a), Martin Thalfeldt (a)(c)
(a) Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn 19086, Estonia
(b) Institute of Design and Civil Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe 76131, Germany
(c) FinEst Centre for Smart Cities (FinEst Centre), Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn 19086, Estonia
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项目地点:中国 江苏 南京
设计范围:5050 ㎡
建筑面积:1246 ㎡ (976㎡ 改造 + 270㎡ 新建)
高等教育出版社: 010-58556484