2023东南大学国际暑期学校 | 建筑艺匠-传承·创新

Architecture Arts and Craft—Tradition and Renovation

2023 International Summer School, Southeast University, Jiangsu,  P.R.China2023, August, 13 —24Chinese architecture reflects long artistic history and smart craftsmanship. Hosted by one of the most renowned architecture school in China, this summer school ‘Tradition and Renovation in Architecture Arts and Craft’ aims at embedding culture and art elements into the architecture design and production, representing the very best spirit of Chinese architecture. This summer school is led by a group of passionate professors with rich international teaching experience. During the summer school, the students home and abroard will team up together in site visits, group studies and target-designed lectures to enrich their experiences and improve understanding in the artistic culture cognition. Furthermore, they will commit to the hand-on craftsmanship practice, including fabrication, processing, manufacturing and assembly. The final products of this year’ cohort will be presented at the local park or community for public exhibition.

Led by: Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, P.R. China  

Supported by: School of Architecture & College of international Students & Department of Undergradate Academic Affairs, Southeast University; National University Science and Technology Park; SEU Architecture internationalization Demonstration School

Person in charge:HAN Xiaofeng, Associate Professor in school of Architecture, SEU, Adjunct Professor of Chinese University of Hongkong(2016)LI Xia, Professor, Executive dean of college of international Students, SEU

Supervisors:BAO Li, Professor, Vice Dean, School of Architecture, SEUZHU Lei, Professor, Director of Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, SEU

Teaching group: GU Kai, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, SEULI Haiqing, Professor, School of Architecture, SEUCHUN Qing, Professor, School of Architecture, SEUZHANG Jin, Professor, School of Civil Engineering, SEUGU Shuigen, Members of Traditional Wooden Technology of Xiangshan School, Senior Engineer, Senior Master of Traditional Wooden TechnologyZHOU Jinjiang, Vice President, Suzhou Crown Homes LTDREN Li, Senior Architect, Perkins Eastman Architects, Dubai & Washington D.C, AIALIU Haobo, Global Director of Green Building Technology in Jacobs Design Group, Register Architect of BC Canada, Adjunct Prof. of SALA in UBC2019-2021YE Man, Chief Architect, Zhuanshan Construction Office, Secretary-general of Associate of Tongji Green ArchitectureWANG Yifan, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, SEUJI Xingshuai, Founder of Xi Garden Architecture Design Office, National First Class Register ArchitectLIU Yige, Post-Doctor, School of Architecture, SEU, MIT Visiting ScholarJIN Fanyi, Assistant Architect, OMA in NertherlandQI Xiaofang, Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, SEUZHU Yanxiang, Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics in SEU, Master, VeriMake co-FounderLV Xinyue, National University Science and Technology Park in SEU, Principal of Wooden Studio.


Preliminary schedule: 


8/14Welcome and introduction Lectures by the Academic teaching group

8/15morning: site visit to Gardens in Nanjing(Zhan Yuan, Yu Yuan, Jiangning Weaving House).      Afternoon: team work on the cases, group presentations and discussions 

8/16morning: site visit to Bao’en Temple Ruins Park, Linggu Temple and Beamless palace.Afternoon: team work on the cases, group presentations and discussions 

8/17Wooden craftsmanship workshop at National University Science park and, group design, material fabrication, making and improvement 

8/18Continued work on the design and assembly, submission of the group project

8/19-20Cultural tours and field trips on the local attractions  

8/21Installation process of the big spatial architecture

8/22-23Assembly and make the big spatial architecture

8/24Exhibition of the final architecture. Group summary presentation. Closing.(To be updated….)

Who can apply?Senior undergraduate or postgraduate students with an academic background in Architecture, Urban planningLandscapingCivil engineering and Arts& design. 

How to apply?1) To make an application
International students visit: 
http://fs.seu.edu.cn to sign up your interest; choose General-visiting student (English-taught projects). Chinese students, email: seu_2023archschool@163.com with your application documents. 
Supporting Materials:* Photocopy of passport for foreign students * Certification of enrollment (upload to Highest Degree in the online application system)* Transcript *One recommendation letter from your professor or dean.*Portfolio (if available, upload to the online application system or as the email attachment)
Application deadline: June 30, 2023( for the applicants who need visa)
2) Admission and confirmationSuccessful applicants will be notified through the online application system or email. Please pay the application fee 400 RMB (non-refundable) via bank transfer within 3 days upon receiving the email notification. When making the transfer, please note down “Arch-Summer+your name+Passport No.” and send us the e-copy of bank receipt via the online application system (international applicants) or via email seu_2023archschool@163.com with the email subject “Arch-confirmation+your name+Passport No.”)(Chinese students) .

Bank information: 1. Domestic transfer

账 号:3200 1594 1380 5912 3456


行 号:1053010003612. 

International transfer

Name of the Bank Account: Southeast University

Bank Account No: 5040 5821 6351




Fees and local accommodation:The summer school is free of charge, although the confirmation fee is not refundable.
For all summer school attendees, lunch/dinner at student cafeteria will be served at one’s own expense.Group reservation of local accommodations will be made for the summer school students upon request subjected to student’s own expenses. The standard rate of double-bed room is 
190 RMB/Bed (380 RMB/room). We recommend two students sharing one room.Limited funding is available to cover the accommodation expenses. 
First come first serve. Apply now!

Contact us:· Instruction to local transportation and more details on the summary school will be provided to the confirmed attendees at a later stage.· A letter of invitation from the summer school will be issued to international attendees upon request. (This invitation is prepared solely to assist with visa application or participation requirements and is not a commitment on the part of the organizers to provide any financial support.) We recommend international students to submit your application as soon as possible. · Should you have any further inquires, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email: seu_2023archschool@163.com

Welcome to join us !





东南大学海外教育学院 东南大学教务处 东南大学国家大学科技园 东南大学建筑国际化示范学院

暑期学校负责人:韩晓峰,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口副教授、硕士生导师,香港中文大学(2016)客座教授李 霞,东南大学海外教育学院副院长

学术顾问: 鲍 莉,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口教授、副院长朱 雷,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口教授、建筑系主任

学术团队师资:顾 凯,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口副教授、硕士生导师李海清,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口教授、博士生导师淳 庆,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口教授、博士生导师张 晋,东南大学土木工程学院教授、博士生导师顾水根,非物质文化遗产项目香山帮传统营造技艺资深传承人,高级工程师,高级技师周金将,苏州昆仑绿建木结构科技股份有限公司副总裁任 立,美国Perkins Eastman建筑设计集团项目主管,美国AIA建筑师协会会员 刘浩博, 加拿大BC省注册建筑师,Jacobs工程设计集团绿建技术全球主管,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学景观与米乐m6官网登录入口兼职教授(2019-2021叶 曼,篆山营造主持建筑师,同济绿色建筑学会秘书长王逸凡,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口副教授、硕士生导师吉星帅,系园建筑设计研究室创始人,国家一级注册建筑师刘一歌,东南大学米乐m6官网登录入口博士后,美国麻省理工学院访问学者(2016-2017金凡伊,荷兰OMA建筑事务所助理建筑师,芬兰阿尔托大学米乐m6官网登录入口硕士戚晓芳,东南大学计算机科学与工程学院教授、博士导师朱燕翔,东南大学微电子与固体电子学硕士,VeriMake联合创始人吕歆悦,东南大学国家大学科技园,创造力工坊负责人 














1)报名方式海外同学登录:http://fs.seu.edu.cn,选择General-visiting student (English-taught projects).国内同学发邮件至:seu_2023archschool@163.com
)确认报名报名同学将收到系统反馈或回复邮件确认入选。请在3天内,缴纳报名费  400/ 到提供的汇款银行账户中。汇款时请备注“Arch-summer+姓名+证件号码”。外国学生请在在线申请系统里上传付款凭证。中国学生请发邮件到邮箱 seu_2023archschool@163.com

汇款银行信息:1. 境内汇款银行账户信息:
收款人名称:东南大学账 号:3200 1594 1380 5912 3456开户行名称:建设银行南京四牌楼支行行 号:1053010003612. 境外汇款银行账户信息(by USD)Name of the Bank Account: 东南大学(Southeast University)Bank Account No: 5040 5821 6351Branch Name: 中国银行南京玄武支行营业部(BANK OF CHINA NANJING XUANWU SUB-BRANCH)ADDRESS: 中国江苏省南京市洪武北路16(NO.16 HONGWU NORTH ROADNANJINGJIANGSUCHINA)SWIFT NO: BKCHCNBJ940



· 当地交通指南以及暑期学校的更多细节将在确认参与者之后的阶段提供。

· 对于国际学员,暑期学校将根据要求发出邀请函(此邀请函仅用于协助签证申请等必要的手续,并不代表组织者提供经济支持的承诺),我们建议国际学员尽快提交申请。

· 如有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件与我们联系:seu_2023archschool@163.com

