Frontiers of Architectural Research(FoAR)2016年第一期已上线。可登陆杂志网站免费下载阅读。
Frontiers of Architectural Research
Volume 5/ Number 1/March 2016
Systematic framework for the efficientintegration of wind technologies into buildings
Ashraf A. ELMokadem, Naglaa A. Megahed,Dina S. Noaman
Community in the information age: Exploringthe social potential of web-based technologies in landscape architecture andcommunity design
Deni Ruggeri, Deven Young
Location choice of Chinese urban fringeresidents on employment, housing, and urban services: A case study of Nanjing
Xingping Wang, Pan Hu, Yi Zhu
A GIS-based methodology for safe siteselection of a building in a hilly region
Satish Kumar, V.K. Bansal
Visitors׳ perceptions onthe important factors of atrium design in shopping centers: A study of GandariaCity Mall and Ciputra World in Indonesia
Astrid Kusumowidagdo, Agus Sachari, PribadiWidodo
Spatial analysis of various multiplexcinema types
Young-Seo Park, Sungil Ham
Narratives in Mamluk architecture: Spatialand perceptual analyses of the madrassas and their mausoleums
Shatha Malhis
Conservation of architectural paintings atXiaonan Garden, former residence of Weng family in Changshu
Weijun He, Shi Hu, Lifang Ji
The physical, chemical, and microscopicproperties of masonry mortars from Alhambra Palace (Spain) in reference totheir earthquake resistance
Hanifi Binici, Selim Kapur
Agent-based simulation of alternativeclassroom evacuation scenarios
Runjiao Liu, Difei Jiang, Lei Shi
A literature review on the improvementstrategies of passive design for the roofing system of the modern house in ahot and humid climate region
Qairuniza Roslan, Siti Halipah Ibrahim,Rohaida Affandi, Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi, Azhaili Baharun
Doctoral research on architecture inNigeria: Exploring domains, extending boundaries
Adetokunbo Oluwole Ilesanmi
· 项目地点:浙江温州市文成县
· 时间:2011年1月-2014年4月
· 设计人员:唐军、杜顺宝、侯冬炜、张麒、杜嵘、朱仁兴、叶南、殷殷、杨舒博、唐薇、李觐、盛楠
· 项目概况:百丈飞瀑景区是百丈漈—飞云湖国家级风景名胜区代表性景观资源百丈漈的所在地,景区总面积2.95平方公里。丰富多样、壮丽雄奇的绝壁飞瀑群倾泻自百丈悬崖之巅,突奔深壑,于6里秀谷之中,形成瀑布、跌水、溪流、潭池等水景。