【FoAR】Frontiers of Architectural Research (建筑学研究前沿)2015年第二期内容预告

6月底,Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿)全英文刊物正式被SCOPUS数据库收录。SCOPUS是ELSEVIER旗下的大型检索数据库,收录自然科学、工程技术领域严肃的英文学术刊物。截止目前,FoAR已被CSCD(中国科学引文)和SCOPUS两个检索数据库收录。

FoAR 2015年第二期Volume 4/ Number2/June 2015已经全面上线。本期推出罗马大学建筑遗产保护专辑。欢迎登陆FoAR平台下载和阅读相关论文。


Frontiers of Architectural Research

Volume 4/ Number2/June 2015

An Italian view on architectural andarchaeological conservation

Giovanni Carbonara

One or two things about architecture:Restoration works at Trajan's Market

Riccardo d'Aquino

Palazzo Valentini: Archaeological discoveriesand redevelopment projects

Luisa Napoli , Paola Baldassarri

A structural project: Redevelopment of thehistoric center of Wuhu

Francesco Isidori

The effect of optical anisotropies onbuilding glass façades and its measurement methods

M. Illguth , C. Schuler , Ö . Bucak

Breathing architecture: Conceptualarchitectural design based on the investigation into the natural ventilation of buildings

Anastasia D. Stavridou

Xianfeng ? Houfeng ? Youfeng ? — Ananalysis of selected contemporary Chinese architects, Yung Ho Chang, Liu Jiakun, andWang Shu (1990s–2000s)

Hing-wah Chau

Designing for change: The poetic potential ofresponsive architecture

Mark Meagher

New urbanization: A new vision of China'surban – rural development and planning

Jianguo Wang , Xingping Wang

Corrigendum to “Parametric study on theperformance of green residential buildings in china” [Front. Archit. Res. 4(1)(2015) 56–67]

Xi Wang, Hasim Altan, Jian Kang





