2012 年第三届阿尔博波特兰建筑设计比赛
由Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所共同赞助
1. 参赛资格与限制准则
2. 报名
1) 参加此次比赛无需报名费与其他费用。
2) 填写报名表,在2012年9月15日之前发送至指定邮箱(见文后表格)。
3. 奖项设置
第一名1位:总奖金28,000元,由阿尔博波特兰(安庆)有限公司与Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所共同赞助。并获得Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所6个月的实习机会(3个月在丹麦公司,3个月在上海分公司), 同时由阿尔博波特兰公司赞助中国往返丹麦的经济舱机票。
第二名1位:总奖金21,000元,由阿尔博波特兰(安庆)有限公司与Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所共同赞助。并获得在Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所6个月的实习机会(3个月在丹麦,3个月在上海),同时由阿尔博波特兰公司赞助中国往返丹麦的经济舱机票。
第三名1位:总奖金8000元,由阿尔博波特兰(安庆)有限公司赞助。并获得在Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所上海分公司3个月的实习机会。
• 所有奖项都会被授予证书。
• 前3名获奖选手若为一小组,则实习机会与奖金仅授予小组leader。
• 前3名获奖选手的实习时间与安排均由Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所与获奖选手共同协商而定。
4. 奖金使用与规则:
1) 第一名学生没有遵守比赛规定或者谢绝奖励,第二名学生将会代替第一名学生。此规则同样应用于后几名获奖选手。
2) 前3名获奖选手所获奖金与Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所实习的生活费与实习工资挂钩,如获奖选手因各种原因不能参加Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所的实习,赞助商有权将奖金收回。
5. 主题:展望未来的绿色建筑栖息地
6. 需要提交的文字与图样资料
方案以3副(3) DIN A-3 panels呈现,同时遵循以下格式
- 每个panel用PDF格式呈现。每个文件的大小不能超过1MB.
- 每个panel同时用JPG图片格式现成,1024px x 768px 格式。大小不能超过500KB.
- 提交参赛者完整的背景介绍(个人基本资料、相关的实习、参赛经验及作品等)
- 不接受实物材料。所有方案必须为电子格式。
7. 语言
8. 提案的递交、评选与奖项揭晓
1) 设计作品刻录成DVD光盘,必须在2012年10月31日或之前抵达Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所上海公司,地址如下:
Schmidt Hammer Lassen 建筑事务所
上海建国西路283号尚街2号楼2306室 200031
T +86 21 5467 0209 F +86 21 5467 0210
2) Schmidt Hammer Lassen建筑事务所将在2012年11月期间评选参赛作品。
3) 比赛结果将于2012年11月15日在阿尔博波特兰网站(www.aalborgportland.com.cn)与4所大学网站宣布揭晓。
4) 颁奖仪式将于2012年12月10日在第一名获奖选手所在大学举行。
报 名 回 执 单 | |||||
学校名称 | | ||||
学院及专业 | | ||||
年级 (填写入学年份) | | ||||
参赛作品 中英文标题 | 中文: 英文: | ||||
参赛学生姓名 (小组仅填写小组组长姓名) | | ||||
手机 | | ||||
邮箱 | | ||||
参赛形式(选择用√表示) | 个人 | 小组 | |||
如果是小组形式参加,请填写以下信息: | |||||
小组其他成员信息 | 姓名 | 手机 | 邮箱 | ||
| | | |||
| | | |||
| | | |||
| | | |||
备注 | | ||||
注:将表格直接复制粘贴在邮件中,并于2012年9月15日前发送邮件至:zhuoqin.bi@aalborgportland.com.cn 联系人:毕卓勤,电话:021-51531283 阿尔博波特兰公司网站:www.aalborgportland.com.cn |
The 3rd 2012 Aalborg Portland Architecture Scholarship Contest
Co-sponsored by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (SHL)
In cooperation with Architecture Design Department of Tongji University, Tsinghua University, Tianjin University and Southeast University
Supported by the Royal Danish Consulate in Shanghai & the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1. Criteria of Eligibility and Restrictions
The competition is opened to the fourth, fifth years and post-graduate students (Enrollment students registered before or in 2008)properly registered and recognized at the Architecture Department of Shanghai Tongji University, Beijing Tsinghua University, Tianjin University and Nanjing Southeast University
If a participant is found to be involved in any kind of misconduct during the years of studies or later during the internship, the Sponsors reserve the right to rescind the Sponsorship and claim back any divulged fund and/or prize.
2. Registration
1) No fee or other payment will be required of those entering the competition.
2) Fill in registration form (see the attached form) and send it to the specified email address on/before 15th September 2012.
3. Awards
The 1st place will receive RMB28, 000 sponsored by Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd. and Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects with an Economy return ticket China – Denmark as well as a guaranteed 6 months internship in Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (3 months in Denmark office and 3 months in Shanghai office).
The 2nd place will receive RMB21, 000 sponsored by Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd. and Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects with an Economy return ticket China - Denmark as well as a guaranteed 6 months internship in Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (3 months in Denmark office and 3 months in Shanghai office).
The 3rd place will receive the total price of RMB8000 sponsored by Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd. as well as guaranteed 3 months internship in the Shanghai office of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects.
The 4th place will receive the total price of RMB5000 sponsored by Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd.
The 5th place will receive the total price of RMB3000 sponsored by Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd.
5 Honorable mentions, each will receive RMB1000 sponsored by Aalborg Portland (Anqing) Co., Ltd.
• All the awards will be given diploma.
• For the first 3 places, prizes and internship is offered only to the team leader.
• For the first 3 places, internship matters will be decided between students and Hammer Lassen Architects.
4. Prize usage and rules:
1) The 2nd place will be replacing the 1st place if the latter fails to meet the rules criteria or declines the award. The same rules apply on the other places.
2) For the first 3 places, all prize purses are for living expenses and salary during internship in Denmark and Shanghai at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects. If the internship winners cannot go for internship Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects, all prize purses would be returned to sponsors.
5. Topic: Envisioning the Green Building habitat of the future.
The contest challenges the participants to design one or more of the following:
Green Building or Structure that utilizes Aalborg Portland White Cement.
Green Building or Structure that utilizes Aalborg Portland White Cement.
Trying to define KEY CONCEPTS of Green Building, also known as green construction or sustainable building, by creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from design to construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort, by defining a list of ideas in relation with buildings and the city of the future, to generate a vision of this idealistic possibility.
The participants will be free to decide on the size and location of the Project, which must be clearly detailed and justified.
Any time projection short (10 years), medium (50years) or long-term within the duration of the 21st century is allowed.
6. Documents and Graphic Materials Required
Written Description
Define a list of key concepts for the construction of the habitat of the Green Building habitat of the future.
Exemplify your ideas by designing a specific building or city, or proposing changes for an existing building or city.
Define a list of key concepts for the construction of the habitat of the Green Building habitat of the future.
Exemplify your ideas by designing a specific building or city, or proposing changes for an existing building or city.
The descriptive texts must be in English.
Graphic description
Site plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, perspective drawings, photographs of physical or digital models and axonometric drawings at any scale and descriptive texts explaining the project are allowed.
Site plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, perspective drawings, photographs of physical or digital models and axonometric drawings at any scale and descriptive texts explaining the project are allowed.
The proposals should be presented on three (3) DIN A-3 panels and comply with the following format:
-Each panel will be presented in PDF format. The size of each file must not exceed 1MB
-Each panel will also be presented as an image in a JPG 1024px x 768px format. The size of each file will not have to exceed 500 KB
- Also providing contestants overall portfolio including personal background, related internship and contest experiences and design works.
- No physical materials will be accepted. All of the proposals must without exception be in digital form.
7. Language
The proposals must, without exception, be drafted in English.
8. Proposal submission, evaluation and announcement
- All Project proposals as well as contestants overall portfolios must be submitted on/before 31st of Oct. 2012(receiving date) to Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects Shanghai Office on DVD to:
Mr. Junliang Lu, Chief Commercial Officer Asia
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
2306, Building 2, High Street Loft
2306, Building 2, High Street Loft
283, West Jianguo Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai, china
T +86 21 5467 0209 F +86 21 5467 0210
T +86 21 5467 0209 F +86 21 5467 0210
- Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects will be responsible for the proposal evaluation and selection of the 3 winning works.
- The contest winners will be officially announced on 15th Nov. 2012 on Aalborg Portland Website (www.aalborgportland.com.cn) and 4 Universities’ websites.
- Awarding ceremony will be held on 10th of Dec. 2012 at the University where the 1st prize winner is from.